Aadi-Shankar Vedic University, Netherlands
Faculty of Clinical Hypnosis
Institute of Clinical Hypnosis of Aadi-Shankar Vedic University offers the complete Hypnotherapy & Clinical Hypnosis Certification & fully accredited Diploma Courses.
We are providing Clinical Hypnotherapy programs around the globe via Online training platforms, seminars and workshops in collaboration with Dr. J.P. Malik, Indian Hypnosis Academy, India.
The benefits of Clinical Hypnosis programs are:
- Cost effective way to handle stress, anxiety attacks & depression
- Cost effective & best therapy to reduce chronic & acute pain
- A proven way of confidence building in addictive patients
- Best therapy to help reduce drug addition, & other addiction issues
Clinical Hypnosis is the science to harness the power of sub-conscious mind for identifying and developing human credentials. Now a days, Clinical Hypnosis is recognized as a powerful tool to handle stress, addiction, pain, confidence building in patients.