To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Our experts have extensive experience of 20+ years in the field of problem diagnosis to solve them correctly is our important goal. The forgotten field of Vedic knowledge – Medical Astrology is our special course for aspirants. It allows Vedic aspirants to become an expert in Medical Astrology to help the world with miraculous solutions to ensure healthy lives & promote well-being for everyone at all ages. This aids in Sustainable Development Goal 3 ‘Good Health & Well-Being’. Your support will help us in the field of Medical Astrology.

To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The Vedic knowledge is based on respecting girl child, respecting women in family. The ancient Vedic education is completely based on women as the power of this Universe and existence of life. Our Vedic Astrology & Ethereal knowledge courses empowers the student with great respect towards women and the great acceptance level of welcoming Girl Child as Goddess Lakshmi (the Goddess of Wealth in Hinduism). This helps in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 5 ‘Gender Equality’.

To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. This is an important Sustainable Development Goal 4 ‘Quality Education’ on which we are working continuously to remove barriers to Education for all. Education is the foremost right of everyone for better understanding of self, world around us, environment, employment, and success.

To take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Our University mainly operate Online with minimal use of Paper to Save Trees and Environment. The Vedic knowledge focuses on saving environment. The water saving Vedic remedies includes offering 200+ grams of silver in river, or canal, offering Potash Alum in river or canals and much more to fetch the strong benefits of certain planets in life. It helps in purification of water bodies and to nullify the water pollution to make Sea water a safe habitat for aquatic animals. This is our contribution in accomplishment of Sustainable Development Goal 13 ‘Climate Action’. The Vedic knowledge takes care of almost all SDGs.