Aadi-Shankar Vedic University, Netherlands
School of Language
Our School of Language department focuses on Sanskrit language and Hindi language. All the Indian Vedic knowledge is originally available in Sanksrit & Hindi language. Now a days, you can find all the Vedic knowledge translated in English, but the real essence can be felt only if you know Hindi & Sankrit language.
For e.g., mann, chitt, hriday, dil are hindi/Sanskrit words but all these words are translated to ‘Heart’ in English. The correct pronunciation of Vedic knowledge, Vedic Mantras, Vedic Hymns, Puran, Upnishad etc. is possible only in Sanksrit language. Our university provides online courses in Hindi & Sanskrit language in the following five levels:
• Novice
• Advanced Beginner Level
• Competence Level
• Proficient Level
• Expert Level
For e.g., mann, chitt, hriday, dil are hindi/Sanskrit words but all these words are translated to ‘Heart’ in English. The correct pronunciation of Vedic knowledge, Vedic Mantras, Vedic Hymns, Puran, Upnishad etc. is possible only in Sanksrit language. Our university provides online courses in Hindi & Sanskrit language in the following five levels:
• Novice
• Advanced Beginner Level
• Competence Level
• Proficient Level
• Expert Level
School of Language is the combination of Faculty of Hindi language & Faculty of Sanskrit language.
Duration of Language Course:
The duration of each language course at each level is six months. You can apply for online learning.
At the end of each language course at each level, the student must submit the project work and online examination. The student must score at least 50% to pass the exam and to receive the certificate and to move towards next goal.