Rohit Singhal ji has been working in the field of education and corporate sectors for the last 15 years.
EPUTY RegistrarShri Sanjay Kumar Maini has been working in the field of education and Admnistration for the last 30 years.
President, Vishwa Hindu Peeth, INDIA General Secretary, Shrimad Jagadguru Sharda Sarvgya Peetham, Kashmir, INDIA.
Prof. Acharya Ramesh Chandra Mishra,India Pro Chancellor Panch Gaur Peethadhishwar Acharya Ramesh Chandra Mishra ji is the Chancellor of Sanatan Dharam Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya- bhiwani, a 120 years old institution...
Maharishi Keshavanand ji Maharaj [K P Bhardwarj]founder of Adi-Shankar Vedic University, Neitherlands [International Adi Shankaracharya Research and Awareness Foundation] is a global spiritual and religious leader. Maharishi is the...
About Our Patron Anant Sri Vibhushit Jagadguru Shankracharya Swami Amritanand Devteerth Ji Maharaj In 1994, (Kashi, Uttar Pradesh, India) during his young age, with aim to keeping with his...