Faculty of Vastu Shastra
It’s the time to understand precise reason of effect present in the various relationship in nature. We have to accept that our ancient knowledge is based on the research as per ancient Sutras. This has enabled us to transform and adapt them according to our present day lifestyle. Vastu knowledge gives us insight into various aspect of life and help up to lead fulfilling material and spiritual aspect of life. A German scientist named Manfred Curry found some energy lines and called them Curry Lines. He developed methods to detect these energy lines & field in order to avoid intersection of these energy lines for sleeping. The same thing was said many years ago in the Vastu Shastra that the Marmasthan must be avoided. We have ways and means to locate these points in order to avoid ill-effect on human beings. Our endeavour is to delve into this area of Vastu and explore Shastras to address daily life issues.